Our Founder
Ashley Evans, LE, AP, AWE, CRP Owner | Master technician Ayurvedic Pracitioner
Innovating and Mastering beauty since 2004
Our founder, Ashley Evans, is a Licensed Esthetician, certified Master Makeup Artist, certified Eyelash Extension Expert & Educator, as well as a certified Ayurvedic Wellness Educator & certified Ayurvedic Practitioner. With two decades of experience in the beauty industry, her work has graced the red carpets of Hollywood and covers of magazines. Asusu Anya Aesthetics & Wellness Collective has been a dream incubated for some years. The name is a nod to her Nigerian heritage and a gift from her ancestors in a dream she heard the phrase, “Asusu Anya” which translated means “language of the eyes”, “eye language” or “ a knowing beyond sight”. Ashley’s desire to create a virtual wellness hub with a full holistic approach is becoming a dream actualized thanks to the many members of our partnered teams and you, our clients and patients. A carefully curated list of trusted professionals all working together to assist you in your health and beauty journey.
If you are a practitioner with a specialized skill or area of expertise and feel your company would benefit from a partnership, please email us today and share your story. As a BIPOC & LBGTQ+ owned practice; we strongly believe that being supportive of one another in the effort of our dharma (calling) is essential to our united success. Two sayings we live by here at Asusu Anya Aesthetics & Wellness Collective are “many hands make light work.” - Nehemiah 3, and, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” - President JFK